Step #4: Finger Grip Create

Creating cutouts to serve as grasp points on your tools

The Program Blue Shadow offers 3 different types of finger grip algorithms. There is a curved, straight and circular finger grip. In the tutorial above you can watch how each are inserted and edited.
There is also the availability to add a CUSTOM finger grip. To do this you hold the RIGHT mouse button and drag to create your shape, then press "M" on your keyboard to finalize the grip.
To change the dimensions of a finger grip to specific measurements go to tool box #5 labeled "Info's of selections" and input your dimensions.
FODs can be avoided by closing up gaps in-between tools and the foam. This can be viewed in the tutorial above as well. You can close gaps by either creating a box to cover up the possible FOD or creating a custom finger grip, a custom finger grip is preferred.

Video Tutorial:


If you edit the foam thickness while the finger grips are already on the design they will now adjust in response to the change.