Why Can't I Download the Software?

If your server blocks the download we can do the following to help you gain access to the software.


Download Our Free CAD Software HERE
After filling out the form you will be provided with a DropBox download link. The website is secured with SSL certificate and the installer is secured with DigiCert.  We are working to resolve the last remaining issues with Microsoft to remove any remaining download warnings.

If your server blocks the download we can do the following to help you gain access to the software.

  • We can send the installer in a zip file.
  • We can remove the .exe extension and send you the file named blueshadow3.rename.  When you receive the file you will need to rename the file blueshadow3.exe
  • We can upload the file to your server with a link provided
  • We can ship you a CD or USB drive with the software installed
Feel free to contact us at any time to help with any issue.