Why is my Blue Shadow crashing at startup?

One of your configuration files may be corrupt, forcing a clean install is recommended.

Blue Shadow will save configuration and files under your Documents folder under ..\OSAAP Technologies\BlueShadow4

Example: where [username] is your windows account user name…

C:\Users\[username]\Documents\OSAAP Technologies\BlueShadow4

Within that directory, is the configuration file that can sometimes get corrupt… you simply need to delete it and then restart Blue Shadow… it will auto create a new file

Full path example

C:\Users\[username]\Documents\OSAAP Technologies\BlueShadow4\BlueShadow4Config.xml


The following is used to force a clean install:

  1. Uninstall BlueShadow4
  2. Manually delete these two folders to ensure a clean restart
  3. Delete these two folder locations:
    1. C:\Users\[username]\Documents\OSAAP Technologies\BlueShadow4
    2. C:\Program Files (x86)\OSAAP Technologies\BlueShadow4
  4. Reinstall BlueShadow4

NOTE: This assumes you have not been saving designs within these directories, if so, please create a backup first.